Today's guest at - David Airey, famous designer from Northern Ireland, author of Logos from David's portfolio are so beautiful. I especially like how David explains logo design process.
How and when did you get started as a designer?
I started studying graphic design back in 1995, and it's been a love affair ever since.
I know is just one of your sites. What others do you own? - what I'd call my second website, Logo Design Love has proved a great source of traffic (and clients). - a small, single-page website used to reference some of the world's most iconic logo designers. - I set this up when my .com domain name was stolen. Thankfully, it didn't take long to get it back.
What part of working online do you enjoy the most?
Borders are dissolved when you do business online. I love how one day I could be working with a client in Japan. The day after in South Africa. All from the comfort of my home.
What are your best methods for finding/attracting web design clients?
🔥 Кстати! Я провожу платный курс по продвижению англоязычных сайтов SEO Шаолинь Для читателей блога я делаю хорошую скидку. По прокомоду "блог" тариф Про стоит не 50, а 40 тыс. рублей. Тариф Лайт не 25, а 20 тыс. рублей. Тариф Команда не 75, а 60 тыс. рублей. Пишите мне в Telegram @mikeshakin.Keeping my blog(s) regularly updated is by far the most beneficial marketing tool I have. In fact, I don't do much else where marketing is concerned. That's not to say I don't have ideas, just that I haven't needed to use them yet. Maybe soon.
When your websites were just getting started, what did you do to promote it and build an audience?
Don't underestimate the power of communities. I spent a great deal of time (and still do) reading and commenting on other blogs. My primary goal is to build relationships with like-minded people, but the spin-off is that you leave little trails of your knowledge on a host of different websites, and those reading your comments can easily click-through to your own site.
Currently, what is the most challenging aspect of design for you?
Pushing boundaries. The last thing I want to do is remain stagnant, and I have a hunger to improve. The trick is knowing where to improve, and how. That's what I'm always working on.
Where do you go for design inspiration?
Outdoors. The vast majority of my working day is spent inside, so it makes sense to blow away the cobwebs with a walk or a run.
Do you have any favorite websites for interacting with others in the design community?
Blogs. Many of my design contacts have been gained through their personal / business blogs. If blogs weren't around, I'd be using forums more often.
Thanks a lot, David! What advice do you have for Russian web designers?
Wrap up warm. I've travelled through Siberia, and it gets much colder than it does here in Northern Ireland!
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