Today's guest at - Sanjay Sharma, Creative design head, author of, India. Make sure you check out his portfolio!
Here we go - Sanjay Sharma!
Hi, Sanjay! Would you, please, introduce yourself telling us a bit about your background and how did you first become involved with designing websites?
Hi, My name is Sanjay Sharma, I am living in great incredible country India, In India I live at jaipur in Rajasthan which is called by his lovely pet name PINKCITY, It is pink city but you find so many colors here in people life, and main color is pink as you know pink is the most romantic and joyful color, it welcomes your life and ravish you up, that’s why my city also encourage me to think some fresh and antique. It has too much about saying my city but I think it’s sufficient to say my background.
I am a Creative design head in my company for last 5 years and I am having Bluetooth in my organization also, I am very lucky that I am seeing my company is being more capable and strong in designing and web development and it’s such an honor for me to be a part of this organization.
When I was learning my design studies, I didn’t use to like programming one day my teacher taught me some design basics and start little work with paint shop pro and gave me a typical task to me to complete that was creating animated gif of a world I tried and completed that as soon as possible, they were very impressed with my dedication and color schemes than they decided and showed me the right path of success than I started my first website designing. I am also very thankful to my teachers who showed me this path. Now I am very comfortable in designing and doing good but still lots of things have to learn in my life.
What's the typical day of yours like?
Sometime it’s typical day for me to read client’s mind when he is not being ready to final the project, it’s very difficult to read his mind what he want, what he thinks of his site but gradually you learn how to deal with him and provide best option which is best for him and his company.
What are the key principles you follow in your daily work?
The main key is that you should aware current design trends of the web, multimedia and print and keep a vigil on web world. It doesn’t mean that you are having competition with all others; you should have competition with yourself also. Every time try to do best either it is not looking good, you should compare yourself time to time and learn new things.
Second one is don’t be a lazy in this industry if you want to survive and produce good quality work be active learn, think and create something new.
Don’t think yourself poor and don’t be under impression that your design is not selected by client because sometime client has different mind, now try to read his mind and details and do your work.
🔥 Кстати! Я провожу платный курс по продвижению англоязычных сайтов SEO Шаолинь Для читателей блога я делаю хорошую скидку. По прокомоду "блог" тариф Про стоит не 50, а 40 тыс. рублей. Тариф Лайт не 25, а 20 тыс. рублей. Тариф Команда не 75, а 60 тыс. рублей. Пишите мне в Telegram @mikeshakin.Your personal design portfolio is awesome. How do you sharpen your skills?
Simple, I always try to do new design with new things, you won’t believe I launched my site on 10th November 2008 and within two months I am having my website page ranking 4 that is feeling good for me. You know when you create design putting hard work in that you get absolutely result, first you complete your deed don’t except the result, result will be good if you are paying 100% to your work, I always be aware of the nature of design and basic concept of the web and never loose hopes and put my best foot forward always.
I am going to redesign and re-launch indiatourism website, it is running now but not worthy a penny so this is also challenging job for me, I’ll apply my latest design skills in that to earn good business also for my client. ( ). Say good luck to me guys.
Every day I try to lean new thing if it is small no worries but I learn and that is my basic key of sharpen my skills.
I am learning new language also this is French it is very interesting, after this I will start other language Spanish/Italian may be German. Language skills also open your way to get success faster and open your minds also, and its fact that if you know more than two languages your thinking capacity increase compare to normal human being and I believe this and hope you also.
Where do you seek inspiration from to design sites the way that you do?
I seek my inspiration from web, magazines, new articles, I put 4-5 hours daily in net surfing and make list of best web designs in the world than I make rough draw about designs and try to get cream-de-la cream from the design trends, if they are useful and help to increase my skills I do.
What are some of your productivity tips you could share?
Sure my main productivity tips is that first try to understand design requirement, client’s mind, competitors and make some study before start the design than you can start your work that would be faster and select in a single shot.
When you are free and not doing something special or urgent try to play with other techniques in designing, read tutorial apply and work, that would be very helpful in future or in your next project and increase your productivity.
Thanks a lot, ! What advice would you give to Russian graphic designers?
I’d like to say that Russian designer are also a very good designers, whenever you start design put your 100% and get the result. May be sometime your design in not top in others view but don’t feel under impression and always think positive that you did good job, it is not necessary to select every time.
Main point is that always try to improve upon yourselves and keep in touch with web. It’s GURU of your skills.
Here is a video from Sanjay's native city Jaipur. It shows how Jaipur celebrates Diwali - the festival of lights:
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